6.3 DELETE ERN Message

6.3.1 Purpose

This command can be used by a DSP to signal to the record company or distributor that the DSP has ingested, but not necessarily processed, a NewReleaseMessage and all of its associated resource files. This therefore signals to the record company or distributor that the record company or distributor no longer needs to expect web service client calls with respect to that particular NewReleaseMessage and its associated resource files from that DSP. After receiving this call a record company or distributor is free to remove the relevant entry from the Atom feed as well as the relevant NewReleaseMessage and resource files.

6.3.2 Syntax of reply

The web service shall return one of the following standard HTTP status codes with their standard HTTP response code semantics:

  • 204 (The server successfully processed the request but is not returning any content);

  • 208 (Already reported);

  • 400 (Bad request meaning that the URL does not lead to a NewReleaseMessage any more);

  • 401 (Unauthorised);

  • 404 (Not found);

  • 500 (Internal server error); or

  • 503 (Service unavailable due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server).

Other standard HTTP status codes may be used as determined by the bilateral agreement between the record company or distributor and the DSP.